Affirming and declaring make you strong mentally and spiritually. This is a great habit to develop so that it will become as natural as breathing. However, I must warn you that there may come a time when all seems well with the world, then something unexpected happens out of the blue that can turn your sunny day into a cloudy one.

As a result, you may forget all the words of positive thinking, encouragement and begin to put all your energy and attention on that one thing that may have you spiraling from a higher vibration (joy, happiness, peace) to a lower one (sadness, anger, chaos).
We are to tell you that things are going to happen in your life that is less ideal and downright painful or hurtful. But, how you respond to it is the key. Sometimes, your initial response may not be positive. That's ok because you can always turn around from the negative direction to a positive one.
There is nothing wrong with feeling sad, angry, or disappointed just don't wallow in it. Don't let those feelings block your view from the rainbow that comes after the storm. Anticipate that each day is going to be better than the last.
With that being said, keep a notebook or journal with some emergency affirmations and declarations. This is something that will serve you as a reminder of how great you are and how great things can be. Most importantly, to help you reassure, reaffirm, and redeclare that ALL HOPE IS NOT GONE!. It's just a little bump in the road, a minor mishap, or a flat tire that needs to be fixed so that you can continue your journey to success and fulfilling your dreams.
So take that journal or notebook out, and get to writing. In case something unexpected happens, you are prepared to put your mind over what really matters.
Please remember, despite whatever you are going through, no matter how bad or how discouraging it may seem,......
You are more than a conqueror!
You are a warrior that may have fallen,
but you are not down for the count!
You will get back up and SLAY your situation,
SLAY every fear, SLAY every doubt,
SLAY all your worries, and SLAY all that sadness away!
You are not a victim! You are victor!!
You are an OVERCOMER and it's time to CELEBRATE your VICTORY!!!
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