Thursday, January 2, 2020

Creating A Routine and Good Habits

Creating a routine is a great way to help you stay committed to your 20/20 resolutions.  Sometimes a small change can have a positive impact on your short and long term goals.  The main objective is to create a routine that is effective and works best for you so that you are successful in forming good habits.  As you form good and productive habits, the bad ones will begin to break.

This sort of change does not happen overnight.  Of course, the hardest part may be getting started and sticking to it. You have to allow your brain to build its muscle memory for your daily routine and the good habits you are forming.  As a result, your new and improved good-habit forming routine will be second nature just like getting dressed every day.

Why is it important to create a routine?

Creating a routine helps you develop a system to follow and stay focus throughout the day.  It's like your mini GPS to keep you on track from the moment you wake up until your head hits the pillow again for a good night's sleep.

First Assignment:  Now it's time to write a list of all your daily tasks.  Then write down your resolutions or things you would like to change starting this year.  Jot down whatever may come to mind.

In the next post, we will discuss how to create a schedule for your daily routine and good, productive habits.

Toia M. Thompson
Founder of New Image University

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