Friday, January 3, 2020

Developing a Schedule for 20/20

If you've completed your assignment from the previous post

then you should have already written down your daily tasks and your resolutions.  Before we proceed any further, instead of resolutions, I would like to use the term commitments.

Resolution - the process of  reaching a firm decision about something
         For example: a resolution to get more sleep

A resolution is making a firm decision based on the emotions you may have been feeling at the time or simply because everybody else is doing it.  Then only to realize in a week or two (maybe a month) that you not feeling so strongly about this firm decision.  As a result slipping back into old, bad habits.

Commitment - an agreement or pledge to do something in the future
         For example: a commitment to improving areas in your life

A commitment means you are working diligently each day to improve the results of your future.  Building a business takes diligence and a commitment to take the necessary steps.  It makes you feel more accountable as well as give you a sense of pride.

Before we began the process of developing a schedule, ask yourself this question:  "Am I a morning person or a night owl?"  Some people function better in the morning, while others are more alert and focus in the evening.  That's how you determine what to do and when to do it.

For example:  If I am not a morning person, why would I commit to waking up 4 in the morning each day to exercise.

When you are developing a schedule for your daily routines, you should play on your strengths to increase the odds of success and not minimize them for failure.  The key is to get started.

Here a few tips for developing your schedule for your good-forming habits, productive routine:

  • How do your mornings look? Your mornings set the tone of your day.
  • If you have children, are you more productive when they are taking a nap or sleeping at night? Then decide whatever tasks need your undivided attention and schedule during those times.
  • *What are my least favorite tasks to do and how can I make them fun?
  • *Be Flexible (some things may not go according to plan and that's OK)
  • *Practice your routine and make the necessary adjustments
  • *Create a nighttime or before you fo to bed ritual.  You may want to review your list for the next day, read a book, or pray.
  • *You don't need to incorporate all your 20/20 commitments in your daily schedule all at once.  Take baby steps.  When you get used to doing a commitment, add another one.
  • *Keep yourself moving and try not to drag anything out for a long period of time. For example, if your goal is to exercise more.  Start off by setting aside 5 minutes to exercise, so that you can use to the idea of moving your body.  Then gradually increase if your schedule allows it, to 10 minutes and so on.

Second Assignment: Create your schedule.  Personalize it. Build on your strength.  Be truthful about your weakness.

We are going to make it happen this year.  This is just the beginning.

Toia M. Thompson

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