We ended our previous post: Personal Growth Series (Introduction) by pointing out that there are three personal growth barriers. As previously stated, they are three interrelated behaviors that tend to keep us immobilized and locked up in inaction. The result being the failure to progress with our lives, which can leave you feeling like you are at a standstill, while everyone else seems to be moving forward full speed ahead with their goals, career, and living out their dreams.
We are going to call these barriers the BIG 3!!
What are the three biggest, ginormous, mind-controlling growth barriers?
1) Procrastination
2) Indecision
3) Comfort Zones
In this post, we are going to focus on procrastination because it is popular among the masses when it comes to trying to get things done. Having said, we will cover procrastination in two posts because it is so much take in all at one time.
“You may delay, but time will not.”
― Benjamin Franklin
Personal Growth Barrier #1: Procrastination
Procrastination is the irrational delay of tasks, especially important ones. On a conscious level you might want a specific result and you know what course of action to take, but still, you remain immobilized. The failure to act is what keeps you where you are. It is likely that what you are procrastinating about is what you MUST do as this will help you grow in your ability to take action and just do it. Keep in mind that you only procrastinate about tasks that you value and at some level, you know you will benefit from it.
Procrastination does not know a stranger.
If you are a procrastinator, then you aren’t alone. There are many more people just like you who are waiting for an answer to their problem. When they get an assignment, a job, or a task to perform, they wait until the last possible moment to get it done. These folks lack the motivation to jump on things as soon as they should. It probably started early in school for most people, as they put off assignments so that they could enjoy other things. Little did they know that in their later years, they would still be fighting those old habits that they learned as a child. Old habits are hard to break especially when they have been ingrained into your brain DNA for most of your entire life.
“My advice is, never do tomorrow what you can do today.
Procrastination is the thief of time. Collar him!”
― Charles Dickens, David Copperfield
Procrastination = Laziness
Being successful in life is everyone’s goal. But most of us fail to avail the golden chances and opportunities, life presents us. The major reason behind this is we become victims of procrastination. Procrastination is a synonym for laziness. We get so lazy sometimes that we think that we have a long time to accomplish the task, knowing the task can take more time we assumed.Then we tend to do work at the last minute. Most people fail to hold their patience as well as get agitated, frustrated to the extent that they make situations worse. They bring negative energy to the process of completing a task or do things that are ineffective and eventually a waste of time.
After that, we mourn over our procrastination, possibly feel sorry for ourselves and looking for empathy in one form or the other. But unfortunately, the damage is done, opportunity lost, the first impression gone, and nothing can be restored.
How can you overcome procrastination, emerge to success,
no longer be a victim of it, and take control of your day to day tasks?
Find out in our next post in our Personal Growth Series.
In the meantime, New Image University is proud to announce our Personal Growth Series feature item: The Productivity Package.
Productivity Package includes:
1) Personal Productivity Power
2) Wake Up Now!
3) Holistic Growth with Goal Setting
4) Achieve Breakthrough Using Delayed Gratification
For more information, click HERE!
New Image University
Transform. Educate. Grow.
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