Hello and welcome to our Personal Growth Barrier Series. In our previous posts, we introduced you to the series and discussed the first personal growth barrier (Procrastination) into two parts (part 1, part 2) because we had a lot to cover. In this post, we will discuss our next growth barrier, Indecision.
"Through indecision, an opportunity is often lost."
- Publilius Syrus
Personal Growth Barrier #2: Indecision
According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, Indecision means1) a wavering between two or more possible courses of action;
2) uncertain about how to act or proceed;
3) to waver in mind, will, or feeling: hesitate in choice of opinions or courses.
To sum this up into one sentence, Indecision is the inability to make decisions.
Other words associated with or similar to indecision are as follow:
hesitancy, irresolution, pause, wavering, wobbling
delay, procrastination, waiting, second thought
doubt, incertitude, uncertainty, avoidance, unwillingness
"Indecision is debilitating; it feeds upon itself;
it is, one might almost say, habit-forming.
Not only that, but it is contagious;
it transmits itself to others."
- H. A. Hopf
Indecision vs Action
Indecision is just as powerful as procrastination when it comes to stunting someone's personal growth for the better. A person's future or dream can be paralyzed due to indecision. Every single action is preceded by a decision. The ancestor to every action is a decision and the failure to act can be traced back to the failure to make decisions. The ironic thing is that not making a decision is a decision – isn’t it? Pause for a moment and think about it.
"Indecision with the passing
of time becomes a decision."
- Bill W.
"Indecision is actually the
individual's decision to fail."
- Raymond Charles Barker
Indecision is a dis-ease to your dreams
Indecision is like a disease that you have to eradicate from your life. Indecision is simply the result of a fear of failure and by not making a decision you can’t fail – right? Wrong. Realize that nothing in the future has happened yet and fearing the worse possible outcome will almost certainly keep you from making the decision. If you don’t make the decisions, then you won’t take any kind of action. As an unfortunate result, you will remain immobilized. Stuck in a rut. Indecision can eat away your dreams like termites eating away a tree. If you want change, make a decision right now to do what you need to do.
"Indecision is fatal. It is better to make a wrong
decision than build up a habit of indecision. If you're
wallowing in indecision, you certainly can't act -
and action is the basis of success."
decision than build up a habit of indecision. If you're
wallowing in indecision, you certainly can't act -
and action is the basis of success."
- Marie Beynon Lyons Ray
In our next post, we will conclude our Personal Growth Barrier Series with the 3rd and final barrier - Comfort Zone. This ought to be good.
As a reminder, don't forget to check out New Image University's feature item:

Productivity Package includes:
1) Personal Productivity Power
2) Wake Up Now!
3) Holistic Growth with Goal Setting
4) Achieve Breakthrough Using Delayed Gratification
For more information, click HERE!
1) Personal Productivity Power
2) Wake Up Now!
3) Holistic Growth with Goal Setting
4) Achieve Breakthrough Using Delayed Gratification
For more information, click HERE!
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