Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Personal Growth Barrier Series: Barrier #3 - Comfort Zones (The Conclusion)

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In our Personal Growth Barrier Series, we have discussed two barriers, Procrastination (Part 1 and Part 2) and Indecision.  Now, it's time to conclude this series with the 3rd and final barrier to stunting personal growth, Comfort Zones.

“The comfort zone is a psychological 
state in which one feels familiar, safe, at ease, 
and secure. You never change your life until you step 
out of your comfort zone; change begins at the 
end of your comfort zone.”
― Roy T. Bennett

Personal Growth Barrier #3: Comfort Zones

If you had to define comfort zones, in your own words, how would you define them?  Comfort zones seem like a harmless state of being.  You may wonder, Why are comfort zones such a big deal?  Well, the team at New Image University is about to tell you.

Comfort zones are all those things that you are too familiar with – and often to the point where you don’t even attempt anything else. There's no zest for life, no spontaneity.  Inside your comfort zones, everything is known and you have this sense of certainty that you can comfortably deal with anything that comes your way. You’ve done it before and you feel ‘at ease’ with it.

“The biggest rewards in life are found 
outside of your comfort zone. Live with it. 
Fear and risk are prerequisites if you want 
to enjoy a life of success and adventure.”
— Jack Canfield

Comfort Zones: More Talk Less To No Action

Oftentimes, people tend to complain more about their "comfort zones" rather than make decisions about changing their situation or circumstances.  They are the president, CEO of the soapbox, but when it's time to put action where their mouth is, they make no moves to get out of their comfort zones.  Deep down inside they are afraid to take the leap of faith.  Although they are complaining about their job, missed opportunities, or not having enough time, tools, or resources to get things done, they are very much comfortable right where they are due to the fear of the unknown.  The soapbox mentality is merely a mirage to their oasis of comfort zones.

These are also the same people who are the expert of everything and the doers of nothing.  They would rather criticize someone who is making moves to achieve goals and accomplishing their dreams.  They can point out so quickly that something is not going to work before anything even happens.  People in comfort zones are oblivious and miserable rather they would admit it or not.  The bottom line is that comfort zones are the comatose state of living life.

“We are so accustomed to the comforts of 
"I cannot", "I do not want to" and "it is too difficult" 
that we forget to realize when we stop doing things 
for ourselves and expect others to dance 
around us, we are not achieving greatness. 
We have made ourselves weak.” 
― Pandora Poikilos

Stepping Outside

Stepping outside your comfort zones challenge your beliefs and it challenges your perceptions. However, it challenges you to grow as a person.  When you feel uncomfortable after being comfortable for so long, that's an indication of personal growth.

Most of your limitations are self-imposed and controlled by what you believe you can or cannot do, what you like or dislike, what you think is right or wrong. You have to keep stretching your ‘self’ physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually to avoid standing still and remaining imprisoned by your comfort zones.  When it comes to comfort zones, it can be a death or life situation when it comes to one's hopes and dreams.  Comfort Zones are silent killers of dreams. So, it's imperative to make a plan to step outside of them.

“Coming out of your comfort zone is 
tough in the beginning, chaotic in the middle, 
and awesome in the end...because in the end,
 it shows you a whole new world !!
Make an attempt.”
― Manoj Arora

The Conclusion

Just to recap our Personal Growth Barrier Series, Procrastination, Indecision, and Comfort Zones are very common among the masses who find it rather difficult to achieve goals and turn their impossible dreams into possibilities.  Please keep in mind the purpose of this series was not to point out flaws or to criticize instead it is to make you aware of what you may be up against. So, you can recognize these barriers and overcome them.

All 3 barriers are only that – just barriers. They are more psychological than actual. You are stronger than these barriers. Unless you allow them to. personal growth barriers cannot stop you from achieving great things.  Simply acknowledge them and build up your arsenal of resources and tools.  New Image University's mission is to help transform, educate and help others grow.  We can do it together.

“Success is on the other side 
of your comfort zone.”
― Orrin Woodward

Remember,  personal growth is a choice and it’s an active process. To ensure a happy and fulfilled life that is filled with joy and appreciation you have to consistently transform, educate, grow as well as expand your ‘self’ to overcome procrastination, make sound decisions, and step outside your comfort zones.

We hope you enjoyed this series.  Make a decision today to overcome personal growth barriers, by taking advantage of our feature item: 

Productivity Package includes:
1) Personal Productivity Power
2) Wake Up Now!
3) Holistic Growth with Goal Setting
4) Achieve Breakthrough Using Delayed Gratification

For more information, click HERE!

           New Image University
       Transform. Educate. Grow.

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